Friday, November 14, 2008


"L" is a model that comes by occassionally to help my drawing efforts! She is a great model and I appreciate her support.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Cassy, is also a friend that had a unique character about her. I thought she was an easy person to draw.


This is a friend of mine. i enjoy doing portraits of people. I find thehardest thing is to capture them in a way that people recognize them because of their essence in the drawing more so then the accuracy. This one worked.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

here is a pastel still life....because they are cool. I do not do many, but they do have a character of a moment in time that transcends change.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

golden eagle

22X16 Pastel Golden Eagle.

Painted on commission.

sold framed

Saturday, February 23, 2008

FronapfelFineArt: Beginning Productions

FronapfelFineArt: Beginning Productions

Beginning Productions

These are some of the first drawings I am putting on this blog. I actually do not have anything set for particular pieces or pricing my art work so will leave it up to request for originals or prints of my work and go from there. I am setting this up now mostly to get my site going, develop links and generate views to my art work. Hopefully this grows well. Thanks for viewing.